Polglass Water Attractions - Jumbo



It's a GIANT BOWL for rafting in an extreme and speedy environment. Users undergo an adventure with mixed sensations like the enthusiasm of speedy drop in a closed tunnel, the surprise of plunging and appearing in an immense space, the excitement of centrifugal forces which keep them rotating high on its walls for several rounds and make to discover all the gigantism of the bowl and finally, the suddenness of freefall into the tunnel which takes them to the safe landing area in the form of a skimout. 

To make the sensation deeper, we always suggest to decorate and equip the tube that guides to the Space Bowl with the different special effects, like natural daylight/transparent forms or audio-visual ones. 

To enjoy this attraction all year round, we offer an optional model with a special cover, and to increase the number of joys, an option to slide with rafting in two.





Pump Efficiency


Number of Users




Technical data

Bowl’s Diameter: 12000 [mm]
Diameter: 1400 [mm]
Pump Efficiency: 540 [m³/h]
Average Inlet’s and Outlet’s Slope: 10 - 15 [%]
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Fax: +48 91 88 11 919
E-mail: office@pol-glass.com

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NIP PL 851-27-09-071,
KRS 0000776010,
Sąd Rejonowy w Szczecinie,
XVII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

POL-GLASS sp. z o.o. sp. k.
ul. Nowa 17, Łozienica
72-100 Goleniów, Polska

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