Polglass Water Attractions - Mini rocker

Mini rocker


This slide will draw anyone's attention! It is a journey through a closed pipe, which in turn can be equipped with different special effects and which smoothly passes from closed tunnel into a wide area in a form of a cone, where the user is taken by forces up and down on its walls. To make the emotions deeper, the journey may last with another and another cone… After a dose of adrenaline, the user is taken back to the tube slide in order to finally end up in the skimout or in a pool. Without a doubt, users will be getting back to repeat this unforgettable experience! Cone slide can be used as a body slide, but also as a rafting one designed for single and double rafts.




Pump Efficiency


Number of Users




Technical data

Inlet's diameter: 1200 [mm]
Diameter: 4900 [mm]
Pump Efficiency: 150 - 160 [m³/h]
Average Inlet’s Slope: 10 - 13 [%]
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KRS 0000776010,
Sąd Rejonowy w Szczecinie,
XVII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

POL-GLASS sp. z o.o. sp. k.
ul. Nowa 17, Łozienica
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