Polglass Water Attractions - x-scream



Just to try and live this unforgettable experience, X-Scream is the attraction that makes the slide lovers cross borders and travel. 
It was especially designed for the bravest and most daring people, who are not afraid of gravity, extremely high speed and falling down freely. 
X-Stream Loop slide offers its users a speedy travel, just in few seconds, approximately 88 meters at a speed of more than 60km per hour.

Standing inside the rocket start element, facing forward and arms crossed, the anticipation peaks as riders wait for the trap floor to open below into an extreme vertical free fall into the loop with speeds and exhilaration leaving riders breathless. The bottom the trap floor opens and the few seconds journey on a very high speed starts. The users end their trip in a safe skimout and surely, they will be motivated for another round.  

This construction is extremely complex and requires great professionalism that not every waterslide’s manufacturer can offer. Giving the feeling of flying, this water slide will pump the adrenaline of its every rider. It allows the users to conquer the gravity and face the challenging speed.








Pump Efficiency


Number of Users




Technical data

Diameter: 800 [mm]
Pump Efficiency: 120 - 234 [m³/h]
Average Inlet’s Slope: 20 - 65 [%]
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KRS 0000776010,
Sąd Rejonowy w Szczecinie,
XVII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

POL-GLASS sp. z o.o. sp. k.
ul. Nowa 17, Łozienica
72-100 Goleniów, Polska

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