Polglass Water Attractions - Wave pendulum

Wave pendulum


Take a breath and face the turbulence! This slide can take all its users to unforgettable experience based on speed, adrenaline and fun. Initially, users will be stricken with the views opened from the top of this gigantic structure. When mounted on the raft, they will slide towards the bottom for then later to be driven to the highest point of slide's another end. After some half-ringed sliding the users will land in the braking pool where they can opt for another round.

Pendulum water ride can be enjoyed with single and double rafts. 





Pump Efficiency


Number of Users




Technical data

Width: 20 000 [mm]
Pump Efficiency: 280 [m³/h]
Average Inlet’s Slope: 45 - 50 [%]
Card image cap

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